We wanted to involve young people in steering the Tyca Festival, supporting its planning, delivery and marketing, in order to make the festival as relevant to young people as possible.
The Tyca Youth Board consists of a group of young people mainly aged between 14 and 18, who have been trained through Tyca in project planning and delivery, social media marketing, volunteering and other skills. They have been meeting fortnightly since May and will be present at all the Tyca events, hosting, supporting the Tyca Festival venue’s technical teams and working in front of house roles in the arts centres.
This has been an amazing opportunity for the Tyca Crew who have gained valuable real life working experience in an arts environment, developing a range of useful skills that they can use in their future lives, careers or university applications.
Meet the Tyca Youth Board
● She's been performing drama at The Brewhouse Taunton for 8 years● She's an A level Maths student● She's a big fan of A Capella!
● She skied down Mount Blanc● She studies Greek mythology● She likes to sing!
● He's a dog person and owns a Border and Welsh Collie cross called 'Morse'● He's the youngest of 9 siblings, 4 brothers and 4 sisters● He's been acting since he was 3!
● She is Hungarian● She has travelled to over 15 countries● She has been in a cage full of Tigers!
● She is Portuguese ● Her favourite show is Orange is the New Black● Her dream places to live are NYC or Northern Italy
● Her house plant collection is forever growing and taking over her life!● She loves to sew, especially stuffed toys● She spends WAY too much time watching YouTube, anime and playing nonograms.
● He has been part of a debate team in the House of Lords● He used to be a prefect in his secondary school● He can speak 2 languages, English and Polish
● She has 2 cats called Hamish and Jake● She is grade 5 on the Flute● She likes swimming
● She's scared of heights but loves going on planes● Her unpopular opinion is: She doesn't like baked beans!● Her favourite film is Lady Bird
● She can play the piano and violin● She has a Booktube channel● She really loves house plants
● She's a MASSIVE horror film enthusiast and hopes to make them in the future● She enjoys listening to rock music● Stephen King is her favourite author
● She's a singer● She loves fashion and make up● She has climbed Mount Vesuvius
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